Language: English

Sebastien Nussle


I am a co-founder and manager of genknowme, a Swiss company innovating in epigenetic testing. My journey began as an evolutionary biology researcher and biostatistics expert, obtaining a PhD from the University of Lausanne and conducting postdoctoral research at the University of Bern and UC Berkeley. I focused on environment-genetic interactions and eco-evolutionary processes. Prior to genknowme, I led the Swiss fisheries advisory board (FIBER) and the freshwater department in a consulting firm. I also successfully founded a consulting firm focused on environmental statistics. In my current role, I combine my scientific background with entrepreneurial spirit to explore the potential of epigenetics in health, wellness, and personalized medicine. genknowme stands at the intersection of cutting-edge research and practical applications, offering fascinating prospects to clients, collaborators, and potential investors.

03 October 2023

16:30 16:55 o'clock